This choreography is inspired on the American film, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" directed by Milos Forman and the 1962 novel by Ken Kesey. In the novel, the main character, Bromden, suffers from hallucinations and paranoia along with the other patients. His world view is dominated by a fear he calls "Combine", a huge conglomeration of that forces people into conformity and controls society. Bromden pretends to be deaf and tries to go unnoticed, even though he is 6 feet and 7 inches tall...
In this piece, Heather Sanders-Fryxell (Previous Principal Dancer of Southern Ballet Theater - now Orlando Ballet) plays a mental patient dreaming of being a prima ballerina. Viktor Plotnikov is a war veteran. Larissa Ponomarenko (Principal Dancer of Boston Ballet) plays the nurse. Before taking their medicine, the patients are all frantic, but wait and see what happens after they take their medicine.
Watch the video here:
If you like this choreography, be sure to check out Plotnikov's 2011 world premiere piece at the All Stars of Dance - Saturday, June 4, 2011! Buy tickets at
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